19 December, 2024

The Benty Booster ads from the 70´s....

A tribute to Benty that passed away after a long time fighting cancer , rest in peace my friend! 

A old friend and a important person for the guitarist in the north of Sweden made in the 70´s a booster that everyone wanted and needed. But it was by mouth to mouth branded then, no ads or such things then. So I decided to make a series of " ads for Benty Booster", that was never done...just for fun and also give Benty some credits for being that guitar guy when we grow up. 

They are now at the Guitar Museum in Umeå Sweden, 

Benty himself at his shop, Strängar & Sånt in Umeå in the 70´s

29 September, 2024

Again a friend left this world...

 This person is one of the most intelligent and strange human  I have have the pleasure to meet here in life.

I was invited to a Eurovision project in the early days of 2000, and was to early, and one guy was sitting there alone with a laptop, it took around 3 minutes before we found each other big time. After a while the meeting was to start, a bunch of people showed up, and the meeting opened up with: -" Hello, we are here to set the first contact the Catalyst expert Richard Bleasdale to meet Peppe, that will do the graphic parts"

And Richard just smiled and said: -" Yes, we know each other well already!!",  and I just said that we do.....the meeting then closed and the manager just don't understand why it was a meeting as we then seems to already be up to everything needed. That was the beginning of wonderful person to work with.

I know from meetings with people around the Catalyst things, and also worked with him, it could be a struggle, big time. I noticed that R had a special opinion on people that thinks they was above us operators, designers etc. But for me, it was just fun and I learned a lot from him.

He did magic with programming the software, we fiddle around ideas and long talks about archaeology , rising up kids, space and theory about time, and in meantime I did graphics. As long the Catalyst system was used, we met at different countries where the Eurovision was happening.

But we stayed in contact long after that, all Plasa shows in UK, LDI shows in US, we met and could continue our discussions on everything, except just mediaservers or software. He was out with Coldplay on tour for some reason, and one day he just knock on my office door here in Stockholm, that evening ended up with Richard on the floor with his new camera, doing macro shots on my feet....and a dinner later when he fall asleep right down the plate at the restaurant , after have filled the table with toothpick covers in a pile..the waiter did give me a very strange eye when we left.....but that dinner talk did cover everything you ever can think of...we just did click , very giving to have discussions with him.

I understand that he been suffer after a stroke for 7 month until he passed away......R, I miss you