After finding out that no one then Texas born, cornflake licensed people can drive the actually trucks at the company we had contacted for our truck, we at the end find another one with a proper name also.....even Jerry will find this Ford F150 big, it is like the mean machine with longhorns on!!!
Now the stand at SXSW is done, will be good we hope. After a visit at Guitar Center where everyone treat us like big stars we feel good! ( Why, well Ola was heading there some day ago and had the GoldTop TT fretted on in the car, walking in and said:" -Hi, I bought this guitar and something is wrong with the neck, please help me out", The guys looks like stupid when looking at the frets and said, you must have exposed it for extreme heat or....similar, maybe...what the f'xxk is this!! It can´t be thrue this!! and everyone around the store needs to check this out, even customers...well it ended up that they really like it and understand the great thing about TT ....